Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Stop The Closure Of Birmingham Racial monitoring Unit(BRAMU)

BRAMU was founded 20 years ago with Home Office backing when it was recognised that victims of hate crime were often reluctant to take their concerns to the police and other statutory organisations.

There is just as much a need for us now as there ever was – and we are not just talking about black people here. Our job is to help members of all BME communities.

Victims still do not report incidents and have to suffer in silence from incidents such as verbal abuse, property damage and assault.

The fact is that people do not trust the criminal justice system and would rather suffer the terror of racism than risk being helped shows that organisations like BRAMU are needed to support and advocate on behalf of the victim.”

In the meantime BRAMU is seeking the assistance from the all communities to: write to:

Councillor Alan Rudge

Birmingham City Council

Council House

Victoria Square

Birmingham B1