Monday, 1 June 2009


We're all rightly disgusted about this expenses scandal and the way some of our politicians have behaved. They have let us all down. It might seem easy to voice our anger by not voting this Thursday.

But that would be a mistake.

It would be easy to believe the press and the talking heads on television when they say all political parties are all the same. But they are not. No matter how angry and disappointed we are - we must never forget this. Because the price of not voting is so high - it could mean the racist BNP getting elected through the backdoor and representing you and me in the European Parliament.

Voting matters, because politics still matters.

A few months ago, Labour Party attacked David Cameron's plan to pull us out of the Social Chapter and undermine the rights we have fought so hard for. Thousands of people responded. They responded because of the very real threat that the Tories would pose to their rights - because politics matters.

Politics matters more than ever at the moment. We are faced with two very different visions of how to lead our country during the economic downturn.

The Tories would do what they did in the 1980s - and leave every man, women and child fighting for themselves, forcing a generation onto the scrapheap of long-term unemployment. Cutting back on vital public services, sending us back to the days of leaking school roofs, the sick dying on hospital waiting lists and record numbers of homes repossessed.

The trade unions don't think Labour's got everything right - but we do know that under this government we have seen change for the better in Britain - change that has made a real difference to people's lives.

I am a former trade union, and I want to tell the public why politics matters to me. Thanks to Labour, I was able to arrange with her employer to work hours that fit round my children's school day, so I got to spend more time with them every day.
Real lives - and real change.

The truth is that politics does matter. With the threat of the BNP on the horizon, and a stark choice between real help now from Labour, or sink-or-swim with the Tories - now is not the time to turn our backs on politics.

If you agree with me that, despite the anger the expenses scandal has caused, politics matters - and that it can make a real and significant difference to people's lives.

The job of the trade unions is to stick up for their members. That's why I want the government to know when I think they're getting things wrong, and why I and friends always pushing them to go further, to win a better deal for union members, and non union members. But we also know that when it comes down to it, working people are always better off with Labour. That's why I'll be voting Labour on June 4th, and why I hope you'll be doing the same.

Thank you,