Who were those students seen behind David Cameron on Monday while he made his speech on constitutional matters at the University of East London (UEL)?
"They weren't our students," my source at UEL tells me. "We were puzzled when we saw the pictures on TV because there were so many white faces. Whereas the population of UEL is much more black and Asian."
And I'm also told that when the Student Union President Joseph Bitrus was asked on LBC radio today why the student audience looked so bored with the speech, Mr Bitrus too expressed puzzlement, and said that they weren't his students.
So did the Conservatives bus their students in from somewhere else just to be sure that Mr Cameron's speech got a good reception and there weren't any embarrassing protests?
Indeed, were the audience students at all?
I think we should be told. After all, one of the themes of Mr Cameron's speech was "transparency".