Wednesday, 15 July 2009

John Healey Slams "Cutting Edge" Tory Plans To Demolish Social Housing

John Healey today became the most senior government minister to criticise the secret Tory plans for widescale cuts in social housing.

3,500 homes are set to be demolished by Tory-run Hammersmith and Fulham council under leader Stephen Greenhalgh’s plans, on estates deemed “not decent”.
The documents, which came to light last week, also suggest limiting social housing to the old, infirm and disabled, and gerrymandering others in need of housing to outside the borough.

Healey, speaking at a Fabian Society event on narrowing the gap between public and private housing, described the policy as being at “the cutting edge of Tory thinking.” He also highlighted the links between David Cameron and Mr Greenhalgh, who heads up the Tory leader’s Conservative Councils Innovation Unit.

Healey said: “Under these proposals ‘need’ will be based on those earning £80,000 and above; they will end up excluding the poor."

He continued: “One billion pounds will be cut from the housing budget under the Tories, with a further ten per cent cut each year. Simply arguing for individual responsibility and a greater role for charities won’t work. We need an active government – any other prescription lacks credibility.”

The agenda of last night’s Cabinet revealed £100,000 was being requested, “to appoint professional property advisors and procure legal advice.” A further £200,000 would be used for “a transport impact study in assessing the development prospects for the Earl's Court regeneration project.” (Paper 12, Paragraph 5.2). The money comes from a £900,000 pot of unallocated funds ring-fenced for consultants.

Local MP, Andrew Slaughter, said: “This is money they’ve sat on to pay lawyers and transport consultants for a scheme to demolish estates. It’s like nicking your wallet and hitting you over the head with it. Where are these people going to live?”

BNP Faces Legal Threats Over Websites

BNP supporters face threats of legal action from the Centre for Social Cohesion (CSC) for breaching the Race Relations Act.

A CSC report published earlier this week detailed offensive material on BNP-supporting YouTube accounts, blogs and internet forums run by members and self-professed supporters of the BNP.

The sites host and link to material that displays support for violence, admiration of the Third Reich, extreme racist views and denial of the holocaust.

The report is a response to BNP calls to be treated as a mainstream political party.

The report's authors state that "it would be unacceptable" if any of the three main parties failed, as the BNP have, to distance themselves from and denounce similar views if they were posted on sites run by their supporters.

As a by-product of the report, new evidence was uncovered that the Race Relations Act had been breached, but the CSC has said that, because many of the bloggers remain anonymous, it may be difficult for them to bring legal action without police involvement.

CSC director Douglas Murray said: "This report shows members and supporters of the BNP continue to hold and express the vilest racist, anti-semitic, homophobic and sexist views - shocking even to those of us who thought our opinion of the BNP could never be lower."

As BNP MEPs Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons entered the European Parliament today in Strasbourg, anti-racist campaign group Hope Not Hate delivered a "not in our name" petition to the Parliament with thousands of signatures from members of the British public stating that the BNP does not represent their views.

Unconditional Release Of All Political Prisoner

Iran Solidarity has been formed to mobilise support and stand with the people of Iran against the Islamic regime of Iran.

Iran Solidarity

In June 2009 millions of people came out on to the streets of Iran for freedom and an end to the Islamic regime. Whilst the June 12 election was a pretext for the protests - elections have never been free or fair in Iran – it has opened the space for people to come to the fore with their own slogans.

The world has been encouraged by the protesters’ bravery and humane demands and horrified by the all-out repression they have faced. It has seen a different image of Iran - one of a population that refuses to kneel even after 30 years of living under Islamic rule.

The dawn that this movement heralds for us across the world is a promising one – one that aims to bring Iran into the 21st century and break the back of the political Islamic movement internationally.

This is a movement that must be supported.


We, the undersigned, join Iran Solidarity to declare our unequivocal solidarity with the people of Iran. We hear their call for freedom and stand with them in opposition to the Islamic regime of Iran. We demand:

The immediate release of all those imprisoned during the recent protests and all political prisoners

The arrest and public prosecution of those responsible for the current killings and atrocities and for those committed during the last 30 years

Proper medical attention to those wounded during the protests and ill-treated and tortured in prison. Information on the status of the dead, wounded and arrested to their families. The wounded and arrested must have access to their family members. Family members must be allowed to bury their loved ones where they choose.

A ban on torture

The abolition of the death penalty and stoning

Unconditional freedom of expression, thought, organisation, demonstration, and strike

Unconditional freedom of the press and media and an end to restrictions on communications, including the internet, telephone, mobiles and satellite television programmes

An end to compulsory veiling and gender apartheid

The abolition of discriminatory laws against women and the establishment of complete equality between men and women

Moreover, we call on all governments and international institutions to isolate the Islamic Republic of Iran and break all diplomatic ties with it. We are opposed to military intervention and economic sanctions because of their adverse affects on people’s lives.

The people of Iran have spoken; we stand with them.

Sign up to this declaration @

Also, you can join the Iran Solidarity group on Facebook @

The complete separation of religion from the state, judiciary, education and religious freedom and atheism as a private matter.