Can anyone please tell me why Ed Milliband is always apologising for Labour whenever he is being interviewed or appearing on TV? Are you not sick of it now !!!

Ed Miliband seems to suffering from amnesia. He was a very close ally to GB and policy maker under GB's 3-year period as PM. We lost the Election because of GB as PM and supported by Ed Milliband. It is as simply as that and nothing more, nothing less.
Ed Miliband should be honest enough to admit the Election was well and truly lost by Gordon Brown. So I wish he would stop apologising and come out fighting, and say how much Labour has done for this Country and remind people, especially the journalists, all the good things Labour has done. Labour has got nothing to apologise for, especially the Blair years, and indeed a lot to be proud of.
If I can boast about Labour's record with people I meet and people from overseas, why can't Ed Miliband does it !!!!! Sure, some members will say that Labour lost its way when Gordon Brown became Prime Minster. If there is any apologising to be made, then let's apologise that a mistake was made in letting Gordon Brown as Prime Minister instead of remaining as Chancellor Exch, and now let's get move on, leaving Gordon Brown behind us, and don't go on blaming Labour's Policy, especially Ed Miliband, when he had a lot of influence on Policy in the last 3 years of Gordon Brown Government. I make no apologies for saying that I am and have always been a firm supporter of Gordon Brown but there comes a time when I have to say enough is enough nobody can Deny that Gordon Brown was very good at his job as Chancellor Exch.