The BNP secured two ¬significant wins in British politics when its leader Nick Griffin became an MEP in the north-west, and Andrew Brons – a former leader of the National Front - won in Yorkshire and Humberside. The major parties blamed each other for the drift to the far-right and this was reflected in results across the country.
The British National party hailed their triumphs in the north-west and Yorkshire and Humberside. Brons said it was the first step for the UK getting freedom from the EU dictatorship.
In the East, & West Midlands Regions thank goodness that the BNP did not gain a foot hold. If the BNP had succeeded in the East, & West Midlands Region, it would have become a no go area for Black & minority ethnics.
The fact that the BNP was elected to serve the communities of North West and Yorkshire & Humberside Regions goes to show that the main three political parties need to reengage with their policies and challenged the rhetoric of the Far Right parties in the UK.