Thursday, 14 October 2010

Chinese & Politics in the United Kingdom

Saturday, 13 November 2010 from 9.30 am to 4.00 pm

Media Centre, 39 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0HA

Come along with your friends to the above event to hear how Chinese can be involved in politics. Even, if you have no political ambitions, this event gives you an insight into politics in action.

Every English speaking country - USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have their own Chinese parliamentarians - some in Cabinet positions. Why are there no Chinese parliamentarians in the United Kingdom? Surely, we must have enough talents out there, so come along and find out how we can change the status quo.

This ‘hands-on’ conference sets out political values and policies, observe politics in action and the processes of getting adopted and selected in winnable seats. The conference will be in two parts, the morning panel session covering politics, such as immigration, housing, economy with a key note speech before lunch. After lunch, sessions will cover on how to become a school governor, local councillor and Member of Parliament. The conference will end on identifying a local ward/parliamentary seat, selection processes, and political adoption.

Speakers, so far confirmed are Stephen Twigg MP, Michael Stephenson, General Secretary of the Co-op Party, Morgan McSweeney, Political Adviser, Local Government Association, Alex Smith, Writer and Political Activist, Sonia Sodha, Head of the Public Finance Programme, Demos. We are waiting confirmation from Ed Miliband’s office as our guest speaker.

Please book early to ensure you secure a place. The event is open to all, you are invited to bring along THREE friends, please email info@chineseforlabour.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it giving your and guests’ names. This is a FREE event, but any voluntary contributions are most welcome.

Please feel free to circulate this email to your friends, colleagues or family members who are interested in politics or public service.