Holy tax increases! Here's a right pair of caped raiders.
Led by greedy Vatman David Cameron and his Robbin' sidekick George Osborne, the Tories are secretly plotting to raise VAT to 20%.
The move is revealed in a leaked letter sent to business bosses that sets out the party's agenda.
It says a 5% rise in VAT is "very likely" if the Tories get into power. In the letter, the head of Conservative Intelligence Tim Montgomerie says that shadow chancellor George Osborne will slash public spending in an attempt to cut government borrowing.
It refers to Tory plans to close the budget deficit as being built on 80% spending cuts and 20% revenue rises.
The letter says: "An increase in VAT to 20% seems very likely, but VAT is a regressive tax that falls most heavily on poorer people."
Labour took VAT from 17.5% to 15% in December to boost the economy. But the cut expires in January 2010.
Mr Montgomerie also discloses that senior Tories are at war over tax rises for business, while private Tory polling says voters are opposed to tax rises on low income families. "Ken Clarke is proving to be an important ally for business within the shadow cabinet," the letter reads.
"He is leading the resistance to any increase in general business taxation."
It is the second time the leaked letter has embarrassed the Tories.
Last week the Mirror revealed David Cameron was secretly looking at making NHS patients pay for meals and maybe even to stay in hospital.
Labour MP Geoffrey Robinson said: "If David Cameron has a secret tax plan he should be honest about it."
A poll yesterday showed the Tories had an 18-point lead over Labour.
The ComRes survey for the Independent puts them on 42%, Labour 24% and the Lib Dems on 16%. Repeated at a General Election it would hand David Cameron a 150-seat majority.