On Saturday 5th December, Barking Labour Party and Margaret Hodge MP held a day of action as part of our campaign to expel the BNP from the borough.
We had a really good turnout and Margaret Hodge MP is particularly grateful to those people who came from across London to show their solidarity and lend a hand.
Her team and herself have spent the last 2 years reconnecting with voters on the doorstep every Saturday and through our work locally, and the decrease in the BNP vote at the European elections this year we've shown that we are having an impact. But there is still much hard work to do.
So we are starting the New Year as we mean to go on with a second day of action on Saturday 9th January.
And we need even more volunteers on the ground next time if we are to meet our target of an 80% contact rate between now and the General Election.
We are asking for just a few hours of your time and will be providing a buffet lunch to keep you all going.
Please book Saturday 9th January in your diaries now – and pass the message on to any family, friends and colleagues who might be interested in joining us.
If you think you may be able to join us or if you would like to be added to our campaign mailing list then please call our campaign hotline on 07576 323 109 or send an email to liz.bradshaw.07@googlemail.com.
Thank you for your support.