China’s Vice Premier, Li KeQiang arrives in Britain for a four day visit, the last leg of his European tour following his earlier visits to Spain and Germany. It signed nearly £6 billion of business deals in Germany, £5 billion in Spain and reaffirmed his country will buy Spanish government bonds.
What will China invest or buy in Britain? So far, it has signed deals worth £2.6 billion, far less than those signed in Spain and Germany.
Cui Hongjian of the China Institute of International Studies told the People’s Daily newspaper:
“Britain needs China because it needs international investment and overseas markets to solve its economic problems – such as the low purchasing power as a result of its tightened monetary policy.”
While Liu Xiaoming, China’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom, wrote in The Daily Telegraph:
“China is doing what a Chinese proverb says about ‘sending charcoal in snowy weather’.”
China will no doubt sign business deals whilst the Vice Premier is in the UK and Cameron will announce such deals as a success of UK-China talks. Is there all there is to it – business deals?
Before 2008, China would not even consider prioritising solving the West’s financial or economic problems. It needs to prioritise its own economy. China is in the middle of a huge redeployment of its economy and needs to get employment and social balance right. This is what China’s leaders wake up thinking about – all day and night.
China shares her borders with fourteen countries, she needs to focus on her neighbours who will fundamentally affect China’s stability and security. China has a long history of peaceful development, her people both long for a happy and peaceful life and enjoy harmonious relations with her neighbours. World peace is an important condition for China to achieve moderate prosperity, and China’s development in turn is conducive to world peace.
China is experiencing some tensions with Japan, the Korean peninsula and the South China Sea, not least the Kashmir border. These are issues China needs the world to come together and not leave China isolated.
Britain needs to look at its China policies again, it is not only just trade or business deals. Those who make human rights the sole determining issue, muddy the waters. China’s reaction to the Nobel Prize was heavily criticised by the West without any basic understanding of different values, she is unlikely to move much closer to Western values.
China is building a society where her people can receive education, get paid through work, have access to medical services, old-age support, decent housing, enough food and clothing and lead a well-off life. This is paramount and any distractions to achieving those basic needs are ignored.
The West can try to understand them as they are and work with them. Finger pointing does not work, sharing experience is a much better approach, and usually much acceptable.
China seeks equal political partnership and mutual respect, economic partnership of mutual benefit and common development, cultural partnership of dialogue and mutual learning, and strategic partnership of close collaboration in international affairs.
China, as a major country, does not shirk its responsibilities. In recent years, it has arranged billions of dollars of debt relief for developing countries and it has contributed its share of peacekeepers. It has acceded to nearly 100 multilateral international conventions. It has made contributions to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, the International Monetary Fund bail-out programme, the reconstruction of Afghanistan and disaster relief. China will remain a conscientious global player in fulfilling international responsibilities.
Businesses do want better relations with China to enable more access to the Chinese market, they will, nevertheless, find their own subtle ways to build businesses with China.
Every country wants a bigger share of the Chinese market, China will accommodate them. Countries which share China’s growth with political parity, respect and trust will be the beneficiaries. Britain needs to be one of those countries.
作者:梁辛尼 出版人和英国华人工党主席 2011年1月
中国副总理李克强抵达英国进行为期四天的访问。英国是继李克强率团访问西班牙和德国之 后,作为此次出访欧洲的最后一站。此前中国在德国签署了将近60亿英镑的商业协议,在西班牙签下50亿英镑的大单,并且重申中国将会购买西班牙国债。那么 中国将给英国带来什么样的投资或者贸易机会呢? 到目前为止,中英签署了价值30亿英镑的协议,大大少于此前西班牙和德国与中国的贸易额。 。
《中国日报》引用中国国际问题研究所研究员崔洪建的话评价说,”英国需要中国因为她需 要国际投资和海外市场来解决自身的经济问题,比如由于英国实行紧缩的货币政策而导致的低购买力。” 中国驻英国大使刘晓明在《每日电讯报》上撰文指出,”像一句中国谚语说到的那样,中国正在做的事情就是’雪中送炭’。”
在2008年以前,中国甚至不会优先考虑解决西方的金融或者经济问题。 因为她需要优先考虑自身的经济状况。中国正处于重新调整经济的重大部署当中,需要平衡好就业和社会发展目标。这才是中国领导人殚精竭虑昼思夜想的问题。
中国和14个国家接壤。她需要专注于解决好从根本上对中国的稳定和安全产生影响的邻国 关系。中国有这长期和平发展的历史,她的人民也向往快乐和平的生活以及睦邻友好和谐周边的外交关系。 世界和平是中国取得稳定繁荣的一个重要条件,所以中国的发展从根本上对世界和平是有积极意义的。
英国需要重新审视自己对中国的外交政策,不应该仅仅专注于贸易和商业协议。 那些把人权作为唯一决定因素的人起到的作用只会是搅浑水。中国对诺贝尔奖的反应,曾遭到西方世界严厉批评。然而那些对不同价值观缺乏基本认识的批评者们,其实不可能接近真正的西方价值观。
要想理解上述目标和价值观,西方世界应该求同存异,努力与之共处。 指指戳戳是不管用的,交流和共享经验才是更好的途径,而且通常是更容易为对方所接受。
而且作为一个大国,中国并没有逃避自己的责任。最近几年来,她为发展中国家安排了数十 亿美元的债务削减,积极参与维和行动。她加入近100多个多边国际公约。对联合国的千年宣言发展计划,国际货币基金组织的救助项目, 阿富汗的重建和消除危机都作出了积极贡献。在全球事务当中,中国承担着认真谨慎负责履行国际义务的角色。