High Speed is good for growth, capacity and connectivity. It will close the north-south divide, promote green jobs and cut carbon emissions by reducing the need for domestic flights.
Labour should support the development of High Speed Two and wish to see Labour re-commit itself to the project as part of the policy review. It is wrong the Tory-led government only plan to legislate for a small part of the potential route and wish to see them amend the legislation to enable the full potential of Lord Adonis’ planned high-speed network.
Progress with the support of SERA and others, are campaigning for Labour to committee to the future of high-speed rail and call on the Tory-led government to ammend their legislation only allowing high-speed rail extend to Birmingham and so the whole country can reap the benefits of the high-speed network.
Sign the petition now:
Promote the campaign:
- Send the following tweet to support the campaign:
#ISupport the @Progressonline #Labour4HighSpeed2 campaign - sign the petition now: http://bit.ly/hNepw8 #Going4Growth
- Use #labour4highspeed2 when promoting the campaign on twitter
- Download a petition to circulate at a local meeting, workplaceor social venue <>
- Pass a motion at your local branch or CLP meeting <>
Labour 4 High Speed 2 Campaign motion
This CLP believes:
- High speed two announced under Labour was a bold, progressive step to a greener, more cohesive and connected Britain and crucial to getting the uk economy growing again
- High speed 2 is best placed to lead a revolution in green jobs and cuts carbons by reducing the need for domestic flights.
- The benefits of high speed 2 go beyond speed and carbon reduction and include the connectivity and capacity currently denied by the Victorian infrastructure of the current network.
This CLP resolves:
- To support the Labour 4 high speed 2 campaign, which urges Labour to recommit to high speed 2 in our policy review
- To circulate the petition around CLP members encouraging them to show their support
- Contact the campaign organisers and provide a quote for their campaign site from the appropriate CLP officer.
Thank you for your support.